Hunter Water

Hunter WaterThe Hunter Water Treatment Alliance (HTA) is a five-year program of works. In summary, the project included the upgrade of eight wastewater treatment plants and a greenfield water recycling plant. The project has a total value of $205M.

Abigroup engaged Tallai Project Group to provide governance, management and design coordination. As well as, TOC management and TOC estimating. In addition, Tallai undertook risk analysis, VFM management and continuous improvement.

Hunter Water, Abigroup and CH2MHill partnered to deliver the Hunter Water Treatment Alliance. Tallai Project Group, therefore, worked as a pivotal player throughout this partnership. Which, in this case, was delivering a program of upgrades on existing water treatment plants. Hence, incorporating design, procurement, construction, commissioning and process proving of multiple projects.

Tallai Project Group set up the projects governance structure. Therefore meaning the management of the day to day running of the Alliance, including the processes and delivery.

A key focus of the program was synergies between the individual projects and the formation of program-wide procurement agreements. For that reason, competitive tension was maintained throughout the supply chain, as well as assurance of performance and delivery.

Key achievements and Outcomes

  • Introducing a Governance System. Subsequently leading to the formation of individual project management teams. The teams were made up of representatives of all stakeholders (i.e. Owner, Operator and Maintainer), which transitioned into the Alliance Program Management Team. As a result, ensuring that responsibilities and decisions could be made at the correct level giving the following benefits:
    • Stakeholders had ownership of the project and decisions made
    • Stakeholders gained the appreciation of the drivers of other stakeholders
    • Decisions were made from a “best for project” point of view
  • Delivering four major TOCs in the first 12 months. As well as commencing work on three of the sites. AOC on the delivered projects was within 0.35% of the original TOCs
  • Developing tools to enhance both the delivery and estimating across the program and projects. Including continuous improvement, benchmarking, procurement and tracking estimate processes
  • Overseeing the set up of Cooperative Site Use Plans on all sites, hence aligning all interactions onsite
  • Establishing a Risk Bank for the Program enabling TOCs to be approved at a lower value due to retained unused risk
  • Playing a major part ensuring that Kooragang Island Water Scheme (KIWS) was brought into the Alliance instead of going to market for a D&C Tender

Major projects within the upgrade included:

  • Burwood Beach WWTP $36M - Screenings House Upgrade, New Aeration Tank, Pumping Stations, Blower Building, New Clarifier and Stormwater First Flush System
  • Branxton WWTP $38M - Inlet Works, MBR, Chemical Dosing, Sludge Handling, Pump Stations, Switchroom, Admin Building and Maturation Pond Modifications
  • Paxton WWTP $16M - MBR Package Plant, Wet Weather Storage Pond, Pump Stations and Effluent Outfall Chamber
  • Boulder Bay WWTP $23M - Aeration Tank Repairs, Blower Building, Pump Stations, Sludge Handling Building and Switchroom
  • Toronto WWTP $11M – Screens and Odour Control
  • Shortland WWTP $10M - Inlet Works, Odour Control, Switchroom
  • Burwood Beach WWTP ABF Tower $5M - Replace Media, Replace Roof Structure, Modify Distributor Arm and Pump Station Refurbishment
  • Farley WWTP $25M - Inlet Works, Odour Control, UV System, Amenities Building, Switchroom, Pump Stations and Wet Weather Storage Pond Sludge Removal
  • As well as; Kooragang Island Water Scheme (KIWS) $41M - Tanks, MF, RO, Pumping Stations, Degasser, CIP Systems, Blowers, Switchroom, Main Building and Education Annex