Australian Pacific LNG (APLNG)

Upstream Field Delivery Projects including Phase 1, Sustain Phase, Collaborative Well Delivery and Field Delivery Improvement works over a 5-year period with a total value of $2.5 Billion. The work delivered consisted of installation of over 1,200 wells surface equipment, 5,000km of poly welded pipelines, fibre optic and power cabling.

Tallai Project Group was engaged through CXC and Origin Energy to manage various aspects of the Field Delivery work including development work, commercial and delivery of the construction works ensuring a successful handover to Operations, these works was undertaken on several upstream CSG to LNG projects.

Key achievements and outcomes instigated by Tallai Project Group:

Phase One: Condabri, Orana and Reedy Creek (2013-2015, approx. $1.5B)

  • Managed the delivery of over 600 wells along with all the associated infrastructure such as well head facilities, gatherings lines and HV power and fibre optic communications for the APLNG Phase 1 works.
  • Provided Project Management Services to manage CPB Contractors (Leighton Contractors) who had been struggling to deliver the gathering network and well sites.
Australian Pacific LNG

Sustain Phase: Condabri, Orana, Reedy Creek and Spring Gully (2015-2016, $800M):

  • Managed the delivery of over 300 wells along with all the associated infrastructure such as well head facilities, gatherings lines and HV power and fibre optic communications for APLNG Sustain Phase works.
  • Provided Project Management Services to manage both CPB Contractors (Leighton Contractors) who was now performing well, and ECP (East Coast Pipeline) who had started to struggle to deliver the work.
  • The Phase 1 Governance System that had been introduced with CPB Contractors (Leighton Contractors) enhanced the performance of both contractors during the Sustain Phase where there was a real focus on cost saving. This was achieved through the introduction of a “Continuous Improvement Process” which enabled continuous improvement from one day to the next and promoted innovation to achieve the stretch targeted cost savings. ECP began performing well which enabled them to be considered for the Collaborative Well Delivery (CWD) contract.
  • All wells were delivered ahead of schedule and under budget.
Australian Pacific LNG

Collaborative Well Delivery for the Reedy Creek, Spring Gully contract (2015-2018, $400M):

  • Managed delivery of the CWD contract and subsequent delivery of over 300 wells along with all the associated infrastructure such as well head facilities, water gathering facility, gatherings lines and HV power and fibre optic communications for APLNG Sustain Phase works. Acted as the PMS managing the development of the bespoke contract model in collaboration with CPB Contractors (Leighton Contractors).
  • The CWD contract relied on a strong relationship with CPB Contractors (Leighton Contractors) and it rewarded innovation and subsequent cost savings on a pain/gain share basis. The collaboration extended to other OE internal stakeholders, which in turn attributed to multiple successes across the Upstream Business
  • The wells were delivered ahead of schedule and significantly under budget which prompted a step change in the Origin Field Delivery business.
Australian Pacific LNG

Field Delivery Improvement (FDI) works:

  • Tallai Project Group was asked to be part of the Field Delivery Improvement (FDI) team at Origin Energy. The team was tasked a reviewing and trialling new technologies and construction methodologies.
  • The Brief from Origin Energy was to consider all aspects of well site delivery from Design, Free Issue Material, Installation and Commissioning. Focusing on Construction and Operational safety as well as TOTEX costs. Any activities that could be eliminated or automated were considered and potentially adopted as the new operating procedure.
Australian Pacific LNG